Friday, October 25, 2013

Lesson 5!

This week we talked about preparing for marriage.  I always love these lessons because I am majoring in Marriage and Family Studies! So it is something I am pretty interested in and enjoy.  One of the articles we read "Hanging out, Hooking up, and Celestial Marriage" had a quote that went like this:
 "The first suggestion is for all Cinderellas and Prince Charmings to throw away their glass slippers... there is a very dangerous mind perception embedded in this Cinderella and glass slipper syndrome.  It is the focus on finding the perfect person to marry with whom you will live happily ever after.  I am convinced that the Lord's plan is to find a right one rather than the one."
Basically, there is not only one single person that you can be happy with.  And that really stood out to me because we are always  taught that there is a "one true love" and that is not true.  I think we really need to think about that when we're dating as well.  While it is nice to know that we don't have to find "the one" it can also make it a little harder (I think) because if we could end up with more than one person, how do we know if that person is right?!  Basically that's when we need to trust in the Lord, and make sure we are constantly praying for his counsel and guidance.  If we are listening to what He is telling us, we won't go wrong! He wants us to be the happiest that we can possibly be, and that is extremely comforting.  So remember, don't settle! Find the person who is the most right for you, counsel with the Lord, and put a ring on it! We will be happy if we are keeping the commandments, and doing what we can to strengthen our eternal marriages.

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